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Business and Conference Hotels

Business hotels are a resource, which are also used to complement the work of the offices in the city. They provide lodgings for business travelers, which come to your city's offices to negotiate deals. Business require passenger services, as well as quality of life, so it is best to place them near busy roads or intersections well served by nearby intercity connections. In fact, it is best to place them in the same areas of office centres, since both branches have the same requirements and depend on each-other. Business hotels and office centers often grow together in a city.

Conference hotels often contain full-sized luxury facilities with full-service accommodations and amenities. These hotels attract mainly business conferences travellers. Conference hotels provide facilities and services geared to meet the needs of large group and association meetings and trade shows. Typically, these hotels have high number of guest rooms and contain substantial amounts of function and banquet space. Included in this category are hotels attached to convention centers and conference centers.




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A convention hotel is the center of your conference activity, where you can network easily with other conference attendees. It's a quick trip to get to the program and functions, and just as quick to nip back to your room for a break. You'll can have a good conference experience. The conference leaders take their role of finding a conference site very seriously. They look at a number of locations. The needs of attendees as individuals were considered as well as the need for conference meeting spaces.
Everyone enjoys meeting in a comfortable conference venue, offering quality service and support for workshops, tutorials, plenary sessions, etc. A percentage of attendees will stay in the hotel, and the hotel generally discounts the rate for conference attendees from their normal charges.
The hotel rates are negotiated based on the number of expected attendees and the meeting space required to comfortably accommodate them. The basis for negotiation with the hotel is statistics from that conference in prior years. The contract with the hotel indicates specific numbers of sleeping rooms will be used each night during the conference. Also meeting room space, services, functions and events are agreed with the custommers.


Convention Centres offers conference and meeting solutions as: conference hall, business meeting, convention room, conference space, workshops, tutorials, plenary sessions, attendees, meeting rooms, meeting spaces, conference spaces, conference center, training room, boardroom, convention, convention center, event space, business encounter, meet, conference room, conference space, convention room, congress, congress room, congress space, business session, conference, gathering, assembly, business meet, congress, business session, rally, convention, get-together, reunion, congregation, conclave, convocation, meetings, business encounter, business introduction, confrontation, engagement, rendezvous, tryst, assignation, convergence, union, crossing, conjunction, junction, intersection, concourse, confluence, assembly, council, convocation, classroom, school room, study hall, auditorium.

In office centers you can find conference hall, training room, conference space, workshops, tutorials, plenary sessions, attendees, meeting rooms, meeting spaces, conference spaces, conference center, training room, boardroom, convention, convention center, event space, business encounter, meet, conference room, conference space, congress, congress room, congress space, business session, gathering, assembly, business meet, congress, business session, rally, convention, get-together, reunion, congregation, conclave, convocation, meetings, business encounter, engagement, rendezvous, tryst, assignation, convergence, union, crossing, conjunction, junction, intersection, concourse, confluence, assembly, council, convocation, classroom, school room, study hall, auditorium.

Services available in business center: temporary office space, office search worldwide, serviced offices, office rent, executive suites, serviced office, meeting rooms, virtual office, answering service, mail forwarding.

Keywords: convention hotel, conference hotel, business hotel, convention center, conference, workshops, tutorials, plenary sessions, attendees, meeting rooms, meeting spaces, conference spaces, conference hall, conference center, training room, boardroom, convention, convention center, event space, business encounter, meet, conference room, conference space, convention room, congress, congress room, congress space, business session, conference, gathering, assembly, business meet, congress, business session, rally, convention, get-together, reunion, congregation, conclave, convocation, meetings, business encounter, business introduction, confrontation, engagement, rendezvous, tryst, assignation, convergence, union, crossing, conjunction, junction, intersection, concourse, confluence, assembly, council, convocation, classroom, school room, study hall, auditorium, lab, fablab, coworking, hub, startup.


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